[Low Carb Diet] Fake Rice Recipe! How to reduce carbs with radish and onion

Hi, I am Cioco, trying to get my husband in shape.

Dinner today was going to be fried rice and soup with fried vegetables.

But currently my husband is on “low carb diet” (aka “Atkins diet“) and I am trying to cut down his carbohydrate consumption as much as possible.

I know he likes rice, but rice is pure carb… so nowadays, I am using this fake rice recipe to reduce carb consumption, keeping the volume!


Fake Rice to Reduce Carbs

I know my husband will eat as much as I give him, so I need to be very careful how much I give him for his dinner.

But eating less in volume will not help him at all.

In fact, if I give him less stuff to eat, he might feel so hungry that he would stuff himself behind my back, where my eyes are not there with unhealthy food… which is bad.


Ingredients I used for today’s dinner.

  • Radish
  • Onion
  • Bacon
  • Bok Choy
  • Tomato
  • Rice

and I forgot to include in the picture, but I had 1 egg that was used for the fried rice.

Faking rice ~ with radish and onion

So now, I chopped radish and onion in small dices.


This should help filling out stomach but with less calories than rice.

Practically they are just water, and it should be a lot better for him than consuming this much (the same volume) of just plain white rice.


Add protein — some meat!!!

This is up to you, but faking rice with radish and onion could drive my husband crazy, so I decided to add a little bit of bacon bits to the fried rice as well….


2 strips of bacons for 2 servings, but I think it was a little too much, so for the next time, I will just add 1 strip of bacon for 2 servings.


All you need to do is to get those radish and onion bits fried well before adding cooked rice.

I usually use leftover rice for fried rice, but you can also use freshly cooked rice as well.

Today’s Dinner Menu

Here is our food~


  • Fried rice
  • Fried bok choy
  • Leftover fried egg
  • Kimchi
  • Leftover miso soup


This will be our standard rice recipe until we see enough progress on weight loss for my husband…

At least, that is my plan…

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