[Low Carb Diet] Oven Recipes – Easy Baked Chicken/Pork + Veggies

Hi, I am Cioco, trying to get my husband in shape.

Here are some of my husband’s favorite oven recipes…

He is currently on “Low Carb Diet” (aka “Atkins Diet”) so we are trying to eat lots of meat and veggies and cut down rice consumption…

This is just a memo, for my reference, and will add more later if I discover more more oven recipes that are good for our low carb diet!

Anyways,,, before I start with the recipe, here is the reason why we are trying to use oven for our cooking.

Why Use Oven?

Why? because it is so easy.

You put everything in the pan, put the pan in the oven, then you just wait.

That’s all!

So simple.

Also, sometimes, “fried” something (i.e. chicken, fish, shrimps etc.) can be made “baked” and not “fried” with almost the same taste, but with a lot less oil.

That is why I love recipes that uses oven!

Japanese Baked Chicken

It is nothing special but the seasoning has a little bit of “Japanese” essence, as I use soy sauce instead of Western seasonings.


  • Chicken thigh
  • Cabbages
  • Carrot
  • Onion

or any other veggies that you find in your fridge.

I like using cabbages, because it fills you up very quickly with super low calories.

Plus, it’s got rich fiber!!

Onions, I just like it.

Carrots, I am not a big fan, but I still add then because I just found it in my fridge and it always looks great if I have a brighter color, instead of all light green / white-ish…

I make lots of holes on chicken thigh with a fork.

Seasonings I used:

  • Soy sauce
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Honey

That’s all.

If I didn’t have honey, I would have just added a little bit of sugar.


I sliced garlic and ginger and put them together with soy sauce and honey into a zip-loc bag.

Put 2 chicken thigh.


Let it sit for a while. Better if you have like an hour, so that the chicken soaks the sauce very well….

Meanwhile, I chop veggies and put in the oven pan. DSCF4003

After a while, I put the chicken on top of the veggies nest.


Bake in the oven!!

I usually bake at 450 F for about 30 min, but that all depends on your oven.

If the chicken is getting burnt, then put an aluminum foil on top of the pan.


I prefer this grilled chicken anytime over the fried one.

Of course, sometimes I also have a craving for fried chicken wings, but I generally like this grilled chicken better.


Grilled Pork-Cabbage Mille-Feuille

Another of my favorite oven recipe is with ground pork and cabbage.


  • Ground pork
  • Cabbage
  • Onion
  • Carrots
  • Garlic

It’s all the same with the other oven recipe, except the meat is now with ground pork.


Again, I usually put anything that I see in the fridge except the pork and cabbage that I always use for this pork-cabbage Mille-Feuille.

First I cut the onion and put on the bottom of the oven pan.


Then prepare the meat.

Chop 1/4 of the onion and little bit of garlic.

Put them together with the ground pork.

For 2 people, I usually use about 2/3 pound but I usually have some leftover.


Then, mash them together until it gets very sticky.

Here in the bowl, I add a bit of soy sauce, pinch of salt + pepper, little bit of bouillon (soup stock)…

I like this recipe because I can make it with Japanese seasoning, Italian style (add oregano, chicken soup bouillon, basil etc. something Italian) or any others…

Anyways, today I added a bit of soy sauce to make it into Japanese style.


Now, I put cabbage and meat in the layer to make it like Mille-Feuille.

Bake in the oven!

Now, I bake in the oven at 450 F for about 30 min.


Again, I usually check after 20 min whether it starts burning…

If so, I cover with an aluminum foil to avoid further burning.


These days, we are trying to invent new oven recipes for low carb diet!

I will keep posting when we find our new favorite recipes!

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